Recent Posts by Gus Geraci, MD

Should the Public Hold Physicians to a Higher Standard?

Dr. Oz has defended his right to present what he has to say to the general public. Broadcast in 118 countries and to more than 3 million viewers, he defends his right to tell the audience about the products featured on his show. His response to criticism is that he does not sell or endorse…
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Compromising on Principles

“Well, you know, Gus, principles are expensive.” I had just complained to my attorney that justice was not being served, and there were hard held principles being violated by the actions of another person. He was willing to pursue the matter, but warning me that it could get expensive, and the outcome would not be…
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Volume to Value Could Work, But Only If…

“Why shouldn’t I order that mammogram?” The physician on the case wanted to catch the patient up on some health maintenance. She had failed to get the mammogram recommended, was in the hospital for an unrelated issue, and was here anyway. The medical director tried to talk him out of it. In a DRG paid…
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