Note: This post originally appeared in Pennsylvania Physician magazine and is reprinted with permission. Read the entire summer 2015 edition. The thought of a method for logging medical records in a way that makes sense and is easy to do drove me to seek an electronic health record (EHR) system when I started my solo…
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Volume to Value Could Work, But Only If…
“Why shouldn’t I order that mammogram?” The physician on the case wanted to catch the patient up on some health maintenance. She had failed to get the mammogram recommended, was in the hospital for an unrelated issue, and was here anyway. The medical director tried to talk him out of it. In a DRG paid…
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Bringing Us to Tears
“Men don’t cry.” Remembering that admonition from my childhood and living in the world of today is very difficult. I was speaking to a colleague, talking about my semi-retirement, and the happiness I felt in having more time to do some things I wanted to do. He talked about his work situation, having sold a…
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Physician Leadership and Teams: How Do You Get Buy-In?
I was asked to join Dr. Michael Consuelos (Senior Vice-President at HAP) and Dr. Eric Dobkin (Chief Quality Officer at Crozer-Keystone Health System) to make a few comments about physician leadership and teams at a conference this fall. Dr. Consuelos started off with the quote by Voltaire, “I know of nothing more laughable than a…
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