Category Archives: Personal Fulfillment

What Innovations Have Improved Physicians’ Work Environment?

Physicians often experience the growing pains of change. But innovative solutions that drive change can also lead to increased productivity, professional satisfaction, and better ways to treat patients. What recent innovations improved your professional satisfaction as a physician or student? Three Pennsylvania Medical Society members shared their thoughts in the summer edition of the Pennsylvania…
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I Can’t Take It Anymore

The issue of physician burnout and the toll it takes on productivity, loss of skilled physicians from the profession, and worst of all, suicide, is not new. But it is getting worse. Have any of you felt it? I have. And I distinctly remember the last time I saw a colleague who days later would…
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Why Aren’t You Listening to Me?

The CDC recently published an infographic showing facts about patient education There are some provocative statements: “50 percent of patients walk out of the physician’s office not knowing what they were told or are supposed to do.” “Physicians often over estimate the topics and duration of what they have talked about with their patients.” “Telling…
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