In the continuing series on my conversations with c-suite leaders in hospitals, this blog will address errors I see some hospitals commit when employing physicians in clinical offices. I keep hearing that physicians are “difficult.” Engaging physicians in leadership is a frequent concern. Engaging physicians in general is also a frequent concern. Medical practice is…
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Note to Physicians: Pennsylvania Hospitals Need You!
I’m reminded of the classic recruitment poster that we all know, involving Uncle Sam pointing and saying, “I want you for U.S. Army.” I’ve been meeting with hospital c-suite types – CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CNOs, etc. There are a bunch of themes that I keep hearing again and again. This blog post will be about…
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Six Things Not To Do When Leading Physicians
“Clinical leaders of tomorrow must possess a strong background of medical and managerial expertise to develop and to shape policies in ways that ensure the highest level of patient care in years to come. If this does not occur, ultimately, physicians will become technical consultants in a dysfunctional health-care community that they have inadvertently helped…
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How Do You Judge a ‘Good’ Hospital?
“Dad, what hospitals are good?” Working for the Pennsylvania Medical Society, traveling to many hospitals, and speaking to physicians across the state, I was flummoxed when my son, a surgeon to be, asked me that question. There are so many ways to measure good. My readers know that one of my favorite phrases is “the…
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