Recent Posts by Gus Geraci, MD

Putting Your Medical License on Hold? Don’t Do It!

Your spouse or family member becomes ill, you have children you want to raise, or you get an administrative job. As a result, you think, “I’ll put my medical license on hold, become inactive or go active retired because the fees are less, and it will help me take care of whatever needs to happen…
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The Ones We Usually Don’t See

The paramedic looked apologetic as he wheeled by. I understood why. A quick glance at the patient, a young man, intubated, with CPR being performed by an EMT, was long past CPR. The family hustled into the ER right behind, tears and fear and resignation on their faces, but just a glimmer of hope as…
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Bringing Us to Tears

“Men don’t cry.” Remembering that admonition from my childhood and living in the world of today is very difficult. I was speaking to a colleague, talking about my semi-retirement, and the happiness I felt in having more time to do some things I wanted to do. He talked about his work situation, having sold a…
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EMRs: Stop Complaining and Start Asking Why Not

Quick, name the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) criteria for strep pharyngitis. That next patient you see, tell me when their last labs were done, what health maintenance they are due for or have already done, what their medication list is, what their chronic problems are, allergies, and when you last saw them and for…
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