Tag Archives: employed physician

Health Information Exchange-a 21st Century Upgrade Opinion

Not long ago, I injured my knee and discovered something else in the process: a severe sprain in the medical information system. Here’s the story: The emergency room took X-rays and an MRI and referred me to an orthopedist. He reviewed the tests and sent me to a specialist. But my specialist—an expert in his field—suddenly…
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Why the fuss over observation status? A typical conundrum

This post was originally published on 8/14/2013 This is an example of why observation status has caused such headaches for physicians and patients. You’re a hospitalist at Joe Smith County Health System. At 5 p.m. Monday, you hear this from an ER doc: “Hi, this is Gus in the ER. I’ve got a patient for…
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Physicians demonstrate true leadership by policing themselves

This post was originally published on 7/23/2013 How many of you are average drivers? How many of you have average spouses? How many of you are average spouses? How many of you want to care for your patients in an average or below average way? We all want to excel and be better than average,…
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