Tag Archives: employed physician

The Challenge of Recruiting Millennial Physicians

In the second blog about my discussions with c-suite leaders in hospitals and large groups, one theme I pretty consistently hear is frustration with millennials. They (and all generalizations here do not imply majority nor totality) want minimal to no call, generous guaranteed salaries, nominal work hours, ideal working conditions, and won’t take a position…
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Beware of the Phrase: ‘Just Sign Here Doctor’

“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” Samuel Goldwyn It’s time to renew a prior blog, because it’s that time of year, and, this time, I’ve also created a short webinar with tips and tricks especially for your first contract after residency. We live and work in a world in which we…
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The Unintended Consequences of Today’s Health Delivery Model

Efforts in the name of efficiency and cost reduction have unintended consequences. When I was in practice, I admitted, or at least followed, all my patients in the hospital. There were no issues of aftercare, because I discharged them with appointments to see me within a day or two (rarely more). I knew what medications…
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