Category Archives: Physicians

Three Things Hospitals Often Do Wrong in Employing Physicians

In the continuing series on my conversations with c-suite leaders in hospitals, this blog will address errors I see some hospitals commit when employing physicians in clinical offices. I keep hearing that physicians are “difficult.” Engaging physicians in leadership is a frequent concern. Engaging physicians in general is also a frequent concern. Medical practice is…
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How Physicians and Attorneys are Different

I read an article once that said pre-med and pre-law students are not much different, but they are very different when they get out of their training. Some recent experiences have highlighted that fact, and how physicians get into trouble because of those differences. Pre-med and pre-law students share a commonality of being driven, competitive,…
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Whose Fault Is It?

When I am consulted for an issue with a “bad physician,” my first question to the person in charge is: “Are you prepared to fire this doc?” Firing used to take many forms, mostly working through the difficult process of medical staff bylaws and rules, appeals and making the case usually to the medical executive…
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5 Reasons Why Health IT Is Worth the Risk

Security breaches are reported every day. The safety of health information, and the clear fact that there are government-sponsored hackers out there, make us all the more concerned about the safety and security of our health information, now often stored in some protected cloud, or on a server somewhere, and soon available (theoretically to only…
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