This post was originally published on 4/16/2013 My title at the Pennsylvania Medical Society is vice president of physician leadership in quality and value. I could also be called “head cheerleader for physician leadership.” When I stop cheering long enough to listen, I am often asked how to take leadership. The best physician leaders pursue…
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Don’t Get Upset if You’re a Push Over
This post was originally published on 2/20/2013 I never got angry when a patient asked for forms to be completed. I got paid, or at least tried to. I set a boundary. You know the form, usually one you’ve never seen before: insurance forms, work physicals, disability forms, etc. Not the ones they schedule a…
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“A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on”
This post was originally published on 1/31/2013 “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.” Samuel Goldwyn What about the contracts we have with patients? As physicians, we trust that our patients will follow the implicit contract agreed to when they schedule an appointment with us. They will reveal their history, allow us…
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This post was originally published on 11/13/2012 “Where have you been? You know I’ve been waiting here for an hour for you! My child might have a concussion! This is an Emergency Room, I have an emergency!” Perspective. In everyday life, and especially in medical care, we need to have perspective and understand the view…
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