Recent Posts by Gus Geraci, MD

Time is a Great Thief: Tips on Being in the Moment for Patients

As a consultant, I’m sometimes asked to evaluate physician interactions with patients. Sometimes it’s via a camera in the room, watching a recording, or live, and other times I’m in the room, introducing myself as a colleague with an interest in watching Dr. X in action. The reasons vary. Poor patient reviews, clinical skills questions,…
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Much Ado About (Narrow) Networks

A recent Wall Street Journal article about narrow networks described it as new pressure on insurers. Sorry, WSJ, not new. Employers have pressured insurers about access to their employees’ providers for years. What is new is the increased willingness of some buyers (read that as insurers including Medicare) to accept an insurer’s narrow network in…
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Let’s be Clear About How Much Health Care Costs?

There are a lot of calls for transparency in health care pricing. Before we can even discuss it, we need to clarify the terms that we use. These terms need to be defined each and every time someone writes about it if necessary. Cost is a term commonly tossed around, but cost relates to someone,…
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